
Setting up your Admins

  1. Config file
  2. txAdmin integration
  3. Export
  4. Ace Permissions (DEPRECATED)

Via Config file

This is also a great way to add your admins, because you can add them via specific identifiers in one config file. This can be useful if you don't use txAdmin


Admins = {
    ["wx"] = { -- Admin Name
        Identifiers = {
            -- Identifiers, set to false to disable specific one
            -- You can use discord:123 or just 123
            discord = false, -- Discord identifier
            license = false, -- Rockstar license identifier
            steam = false, -- Steam identifier

Via txAdmin integration

This is the best way you can add your admins, as it's also the easiest! All you have to do is turn on one option in your main config.ยจ Every admin that connects and is registered in txAdmin will automatically have admin permissions! Also, when you remove an admin in txAdmin, they will automatically lose their permissions.


  wx.txAdminAuth = true

Via server-side export

This is the least recommended way to add your admins, as it's only temporary (until the anticheat restarts/stops)


  -- Adding admins

    playerID -- [[ integer ]]

-- Removing admins

    playerID -- [[ integer ]]