
First time setting up the drug system

After you successfully installed the drug system on your server, you should configure it. The configuration is really simple.

Main Config

The main config file is located in wx_drugs/configs/drugs_config.lua This config file contains everything related to the drug system. By default, the config file has two predefined drug types: Weed and Coke. You can let the config file as it is, but it's not recommended, as you won't use the drug system's full potential!

Config File


wx = {}

wx.CheaterProtection = true -- Triggers a function when a cheater tries to trigger an event using executor. Edit your function at server/ds_editable.lua

wx.DrugFields = { -- You can add how many drug fields you want

["Weed Field"] = { -- Field name, this name will be used as blip name (if enabled)
    blip = { -- Blip settings
        enabled = true,
        sprite = 514,
        color = 11
    position = vec3(2222.8909, 5576.9033, 53.8270), -- Position (center) of the field, this is where the blip will be added
    drugModel = `prop_weed_02`, -- Drug model
    drugItem = "weed_leaf", -- Item players will receive upon harvesting
    drugCount = {1,5}, -- [{min,max}] -- Item count
    drugRadius = 25.0, -- Radius where the drugs will spawn
    propCount = math.random(50,80), -- Maximum count of props that can be spawned in specified area
    requiredItem = false, -- Required item for picking the drug. Set to false to disable
    requiredItemCount = 1, -- Required item count, ignore if requiredItem above is set to false.
    targetIcon = "fa-solid fa-cannabis",
    progressTime = math.random(5000,8000), -- How long should the progress bar when picking the drug take
    animation = { dict = 'mp_arresting', clip = 'a_uncuff' }, -- Progress bar animation
    locale = { -- You can change the locale text here
        target = "Pick Weed",
        progress = "Picking weed..."
["Coke Field"] = { -- Field name, this name will be used as blip name (if enabled)
    blip = { -- Blip settings
        enabled = true,
        sprite = 140,
        color = 16
    position = vec3(5207.6763, -5048.4521, 13.7471), -- Position (center) of the field, this is where the blip will be added
    drugModel = `h4_prop_bush_cocaplant_01`, -- Drug model
    drugItem = "coke", -- Item players will receive upon harvesting
    drugCount = {1,5}, -- [{min,max}] -- Item count
    drugRadius = 25.0, -- Radius where the drugs will spawn
    propCount = math.random(50,80), -- Maximum count of props that can be spawned in specified area
    requiredItem = false, -- Required item for picking the drug. Set to false to disable
    requiredItemCount = 1, -- Required item count, ignore if requiredItem above is set to false.
    targetIcon = "fa-solid fa-pills",
    progressTime = math.random(5000,8000), -- How long should the progress bar when picking the drug take
    animation = { dict = 'mp_arresting', clip = 'a_uncuff' }, -- Progress bar animation
    locale = { -- You can change the locale text here
        target = "Pick coke",
        progress = "Picking coke..."


wx.DrugLabs = {
["Weed Lab"] = { -- Lab name, this name will be used as blip name (if enabled)
    blip = { -- Blip settings
        enabled = true,
        sprite = 140,
        color = 5
    neededItem = false, -- Set the item needed to enter this lab, or set to false to disable this feature
    positions = {
        entry = vec3(1724.8848, -1470.6031, 113.9419), -- Location for entrance
        exit = vec3(1066.3846, -3183.4141, -39.1636), -- Location for entrance
        interior = vec4(1066.3049, -3183.4141, -39.1635,92.0252), -- vec4(x,y,z,heading) | Location of the interior where player will be teleported
        processing = { -- Positions for processing the drug (you can add multiple locations)
            vec3(1039.2350, -3205.3816, -38.1664),
            vec3(1037.0461, -3203.8147, -38.1719),
            vec3(1034.3291, -3203.8120, -38.1778),
            vec3(1034.6504, -3205.4773, -38.1767),
    locale = {
        enter = "Enter Weed Lab",
        entering = "Entering Weed Lab...",
        exit = "Exit Weed Lab",
        exiting = "Exiting Weed Lab...",
        process = "Process weed",
        processing = "Processing weed"
    processingOptions = { -- You can add your items that player can process in the lab
        -- ["Item Label"]
        ["Joint"] = {
            finalItem = 'weed_joint', -- Item player will get upon processing
            finalItemCount = 1, -- Item amount player will get upon processing
            successChance = 90, -- Chance for successful process of the item
            description = 'Process a classic weed joint',
            proccessTime = 10000, -- Progress bar time
            processLabel = "Processing joint...",
            processAnimation = { dict = 'mp_arresting', clip = 'a_uncuff' }, -- Progress bar animation
            processProp = { model = `p_amb_joint_01`, pos = vec3(0.013, 0.03, 0.022), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5) }, -- Progress bar prop settings
            neededItems = { -- Needed items for crafting
                -- ["item"] = count
                ["empty_bag"] = 1,
                ["weed_leaf"] = 5,
["Coke Lab"] = { -- Lab name, this name will be used as blip name (if enabled)
    blip = { -- Blip settings
        enabled = true,
        sprite = 514,
        color = 5
    neededItem = "coke_card", -- Set the item needed to enter this lab, or set to false to disable this feature
    positions = {
        entry = vec3(-1023.6170, -1614.4656, 5.0874), -- Location for entrance
        exit = vec3(1088.5313, -3187.5459, -38.9934), -- Location for entrance
        interior = vec4(1088.5941, -3187.5061, -37.9935,175.4412), -- vec4(x,y,z,heading) | Location of the interior where player will be teleported
        processing = { -- Positions for processing the drug (you can add multiple locations)
            vec3(1090.2061, -3194.8269, -38.9935),
            vec3(1092.5873, -3194.8311, -38.9935),
            vec3(1095.3157, -3194.8210, -38.9935),
            vec3(1102.2885, -3193.7742, -38.9935),
            vec3(1099.6312, -3194.1768, -38.9935),
    locale = {
        enter = "Enter Coke Lab",
        entering = "Entering Coke Lab...",
        exit = "Exit Coke Lab",
        exiting = "Exiting Coke Lab...",
        process = "Process coke",
        processing = "Processing coke..."
    processingOptions = { -- You can add your items that player can process in the lab
        -- ["Item Label"]
        ["Coke Brick"] = {
            finalItem = 'coke_brick', -- Item player will get upon processing
            finalItemCount = 1, -- Item amount player will get upon processing
            successChance = 70, -- Chance for successful process of the item
            description = 'Process a large brick of coke',
            proccessTime = 15000, -- Progress bar time
            processLabel = "Processing coke brick...",
            processAnimation = { dict = 'anim@amb@business@coc@coc_unpack_cut_left@', clip = 'coke_cut_coccutter' }, -- Progress bar animation
            processProp = { model = `prop_cs_business_card`, pos = vec3(0.113, 0.03, 0.022), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5) }, -- Progress bar prop settings
            neededItems = { -- Needed items for crafting
                -- ["item"] = count
                ["coke"] = 30,

wx.DrugEffects = {
-- [effect_name] = { options }
    Add this to your ox_inventory/data/items.lua under the item you want the effect to work for
    client = {
		export = 'wx_drugs.effect_name'
["weed_effect"] = {
    cameraShake = 0.3, -- Camera shake strenght when the effect starts
    cameraEffect = "DrugsMichaelAliensFightIn", -- https://pastebin.com/dafBAjs0
    movement = "move_m@drunk@slightlydrunk", -- https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xAF8A94EDE7712BEF
    duration = 30 * 1000, -- Duration of the effect