
AntiCheat commands

WX AntiCheat provides a set of commands that you can use! You can use some of them through the Admin Menu, but you can also use them via the server console.

Ban Player

This command will manually ban the specified player ID with an optional reason

Server Console

# (optional argument)
# <required argument>

wx ban <player id> (reason)

Offline Ban Player

This command will manually ban a player that's no longer on the server via their old server ID

Server Console

# (optional argument)
# <required argument>

wx offlineban <old player id> (reason)

UnBan Player

This command will unban a player with the specified Ban ID

Server Console

# (optional argument)
# <required argument>

wx unban <ban id>

Check Banlist

This command will return a number of banned players

Server Console

wx banlist

Check for updates

This command will check for anticheat updates, if there's an update, you will see info about it like the version and changelog and also instructions for how to update

Server Console

wx update

Check Ban ID

This command will return an info about the specified ban ID, like the player's name, ban reason and identifiers

Server Console

wx baninfo <ban id>

Clear all objects

This command will clear every object on the server

Server Console

wx clearobjects

Clear all peds

This command will clear every NPC (ped) on the server

Server Console

wx clearpeds

Clear all vehicles

This command will clear every vehicle on the server

Server Console

wx clearpeds

Clear everything

This command will clear every object, ped and vehicle on the server

Server Console

wx clearall